2FA Guideline

In order to enhance online trading security and be compliant with the implementation of two-factor authentication (2FA) by SFC, we have upgraded the mobile app to support 2FA login. Customers can enjoy a secure, reliable and convenient online trading experience.

Via SMS/Email

a) After login EX Trader/MFG – Auton with Login ID and Password, select OTP or SMS/Email in EX Trader/MFG – Auton

b) Client will receive a one-time password (OTP) from Email/SMS

c) Enter the one-time password in EX Trader/MFG – Auton, then click “Submit” or “Confirm”

Login successfully and main menu will be displayed.

a) Login SP Trader with Login ID and Password

b) Program will show as below:

c) Client will receive an one time password (OTP) from SMS

d) Enter the one-time password in SP Trader. Device which authenticated will bypass these steps.

Check the Full User Manual ( EX Trader/MFG – Auton ), or download App via QR code below

a) Login EX Trader/MFG – Auton and go to 2FA App, a 2FA Secret Code is displayed

The following uses the EX Trader 2FA Secret number to perform 2FA authentication settings:

b) Open MFG – 2FA App, select “Add New Account”

c) Enter the 2FA Secret Code in MFG – 2FA App, and setup a personal password as the 2FA PIN, then click “Register”

d) Click “YES” to confirm register account

e) A Response Code will be displayed after account registration

f) Enter the Response Code to EX Trader/MFG – Auton and click “Submit” or “Confirm” to complete the 2FA login setup process

After setting up the 2FA App, you can now use the App to perform two-factor authentication to login EX Trader/MFG – Auton.

a) Select 2FA (Online) on EX Trader/MFG – Auton. In MFG – Auton, click “Open 2FA App” to open the MFG – 2FA App and proceed step (c).

b) Select “Online Authentication” in MFG – 2FA App

c) Enter the personal 2FA PIN in MFG – 2FA App, click “Online Authentication”

d) 2FA process completed. EX Trader will login automatically or click “Back to Trading App” to return back to MFG – Auton.

a) Select 2FA (Offline) in EX Trader/MFG – Auton, a Request Code is displayed. In MFG – Auton, click “Open 2FA App” to open the MFG – 2FA App and proceed step (c).

b) Select “Offline Authentication’ in MFG – 2FA app

c) Enter the 2FA PIN in MFG – 2FA app and the Request Code as shown in EX Trader/MFG – Auton.

d) Click “Get Repsonse Code” to get the one-time Response Code

e) Enter the Response Code in EX Trader and click “Submit”, the 2FA login process will be finished.
Or click “Back to Trading App” to complete the 2FA login process

Download CQ Key to Mobile by searching the name “CQ Key” in iTunes.
Android Phone download HERE. Or Scan QR code Below.

1. Login to OATS by computer

2. The binding guideline will show if you have not bound CQ KEY with your device.

3. Open CQ KEY and click “Add an account”. Scan the QR code or input the binding key to bind CQ KEY with your device.

4. The security code can be found in CQ KEY after the binding procedure. You will then receive a confirmation E-mail and SMS notice.

5. You can try to login OATS again after binding.